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Top 50 Best Posts on Social Media Of Year 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Here, i am presenting top 50 post about social media which mostly like and popular by people in this year 2008.These post covering social media news, blogging news and social networking news.These 5o post have been mostly viewed by the people in year 2008.These are following:

Image Credit : Matt Hamm

1. 4chan hacker holds rapper Soulja Boy's MySpace account ransom :-

This post written by Nicolas Carlson.It is a video where you can see how a hacker come again his MySpace account back along with his password.

2. Anti-religion agenda among social media users :-

This post written by Mark Milian.In this post show the , how anti-religion social media user do and do't like the religion post.

3. 7 things Google should(and probably would) do if it buys digg :-

This post written by Ben Parr.In this post show the, if google want to buy digg then it follow these 7 things.

4. Social Media in 1990's :-

This post written by Brett Borders.This intresting post show, how the current social media is looking like diffrent from social media in 1990's.

5. Reddit, Stumbleupon, and hacker new algorithms exposd! :-

This post written by Danny Dover.This post exposd, how popular social media websites use algorithms to utilize user data.

6. Youngester not happy oldies going online :-

This post written by Martha Irvine.This post show, how the under-30s are not impressed from the older generations which are moving in on the hi-tech, online world.

7. Facebook value drops 87% :-

This post written by Brad Berens.It is a video,where showing how the Facebook value drop 87% at this time.

8. 12 Signs that You May Be a Social Media Addict :-

In this post you can see how, Within 0.03 seconds, you can look at a cute picture of an animal and know whether or not it was photoshopped.

9. How Much Do Top Tier Bloggers and Social Media Consultants Get Paid? :-

This post written by Marshall Kirkpatrick.This post show, how and how much get paid do top tier blogger and social media consultants from the company and site.

10. Cartoon: Anything You Tweet can and Will be used Against You... :-

This post written by Rob Cottingham.In this post, you can see ,how the people love way that culture and technology shape social media encouraging self-expression and transparency.

11. The Case for an Apple iNetwork Welcome to the Social :-

This post written by Muhammad Saleem.This post show, how an iTunes+iPhone based social networking experience in terms of iNetwork.

12. 10 Top Social News Sites Ranked by Design :-

This post written by Emitstop.This post show, 10 top sites which are best in design.It's cover digg, stumbleupon, reddit,fark, buzzz, slashdot, propeller, tip'd, design float and no.1 mixx.

13. CEO:wikipedia Has Became An Instrument Of Mass Mind Control :-

This post written by Alex Chasick.There is a e-mail which After announcing deals on watches and exercise equipment, invites readers "Take 5 with Patrick, " which involves the CEO likening Wikipedia to mind-control and Wall Street corruption.

14. Do't Belive these 10 Social Media Myths :-

This post written by Eric Brantner.This post give the 10 myths, which is best to establishing a strong social media sites.You should follow these myths.

15. Obama's Social Media Advantage :-

This post written by Frederic Lardinois.This post show, how the social media beneficial to Obama for 2008 U.S. election and what are the advantage from it.

16. 12 Secrets of Public Relation for Startups :-

This post written by Brian Solis.This post give the 12 secrets of public relation which are necessary for startups to social media and your sites.

17. Need Social Media Success?Do't Start With Digg :-

Digg change our algorithms time to time then if you want to traffic at our site you should use other social media like stumbleupon, reddit, fark etc.Every social media give the trafiic easiar compare to digg.

18. The Digg Science Review :-

This post written by Alexis Madrigal.The digg science review give to help you parse the headlines for the top 20 science stories on Digg in the past week.

19. Required Reading in Social Media :-

This post written by robdiana.In this post show taht you should read more social media site not only one.You should follow digg, mixx and blogging site like mashable, readwriteweb, problogger etc.Every social media site give unique and diferent knowledge from others.

20. Big Blue Embraces Social Media :-

This post written by Stephen Baker.This post show, how IBM has been encouraging social networking among its employees with in house version of web 2.0 hits such as Facebook and Twitter.

21. Google Should Buy Stumbleupon :-

This post written by Robdiana.This post show, how and what region that google should buy stumbleupon.It covers all the thing, why google should buy stumbleupon?

22. Ten Ways to Change the World Through Social Media :-

This post written by Max Gladwell.This post explain what are the ways which change the world with the help of social media?.

23. Comecast uses Twitter to Listen and Respond :-

This post written by Carolyn Y. Johnson.This post show that how customer service is changing in the age of social media. The power has shifted,so that companies now have to be worried about o with a microphone called a blog.

24. The Times (UK) Spamming Social Media Sites :-

This post written by Andy Baio.This post show, how the Times (UK) newspaper
s involved in an extensive campaign to spam social media websites with links to articles.

25. Marketing Your Social Media Profile :-

This post show that, how will marketing your social media profile.
Why you should market your social media profile and how it can eventually help you get out therm,explain it.

26. Has Video Killed The Blogging Star? :-

This post written by Mark Jones.This post show that how the
new social video services are growing very quickly while online video consumption has nearly doubled in the past year.There is a video which show that how has video killed the blogging star.

27. Social Media Sites that Deserve You Affection :-

This post written by
Aamodeus.This post show that how social media sites deserve your affection?They explain digg, stumbleupon, twitter, reddi, mixx, sphinn and describe it.

28. A Guilty Pleasure of the Blogsphere and Social Media:Lists :-

This post written by Adem Singer.In this post explain how Lists are a popular way to arrange content on the web for a number of reasons? and how to make a list which help your submission to popular.

29. 15 Sign Big Media Isn't Hot for Facebook :-

This post written by Paul Glazowski.This post show that what are 15 sign big media,which official Big Media-borne devices, there’s still a considerable distance left ’til we see heaven.It explain also these 15 media.

30. Aggregate Your Social Networks with EventBox :-

Keeping track of all that information about social media and networking is hard enough.To save this problem we use the eventbox which is a beta application for Mac OS X Leopard.There are explain advantage of eventbox also.

31. NASA is Twittering!!! :-

This post show that now NASA has officially launched (get it!) a Twitter feed.It shows that now twitter is one of the biggest social media site.

32. NPR gets social with new community :-

This post written by David Chartier.NPR launch a social media by introducing NPR Community,it's own social network, around the organization's vast content library.But do't afraid to digg from it, this explain it.

33. SEO shenanigans Pose a Clear and Present Danger to Social Media :-

This post written by Steve Rubel.In this post shows that how SEO is clear and present danger to social media.what are the benefit and disadvantage of SEO on social media? explain it.

34. Desire vs Commitment in social media :-

This post written by Dan Zarrella.This post shows that how the graph increase and decrease between desire and commitment in social media and why?

35. Ten Common Objections to Social Media Adoption and how you can respond :-

This post written by Marshall Kirkpatrick.This post give a list of objections, replies, concessions regarding social media and tools which easy to understand adoption an respond of social media.

36. Social Networks are growing in niches :-

This post written by Victor Keegan.In this post he explain how growing social networks in niches.
And explain the success of Facebook and Myspace.

37. Did Twitter Lay Down for Google :-

This post written by Rae Hoffman.In this post show that why twitter and google think that a profile link, be it in the “web” section or the “bio” section from my Twitter page should be nofollowed?

38. Twitter Wrote This Column for Me :-

This post written by Chris Winfield.In this post describe that “How would you describe twitter in 140 characters or less?” best one will be linked to in my column on SEL tomorrow.

39. Top 10 Reasons Why Great Content Fails in Social Media :-

In this post describe the what are those reasons due to great content fails in social media.They sescribe top 10 reasons which you should always follow.

40. Introducing the Social Profile Plugin :-

This post written by Rae Hoffman.It describe how to use plugin in social media profile?and why we use plugin in social media also?

41.The Most Useful StumbleUpon Feature You May Not Have Known :-

In this post they tells the StumbleUpon search feature which is most useful for you.why and how use this feature tells this post.They declared method of it.

42. How To Social Bookmarks :-

In this post explain how to social bookmarks?why is social bookmarks?and which sites for social bookmarks are best?

43. 10 of the Best Alternative Social Media Sites :-

This post written by Andy Boyd.In this post they describe the 10 best and alternative social media which useful for social markting.

44. Why LinkedIn is the one Social Network I Couldn't Work Wiyhout :-

This post written by Jennifer Laycock.LikedIn Network is the best social media for professionals.In this post writter explaining how and why we use LinkedIn Network?

45. Looking at Fake social Media Profiles :-

This post written by Micheal Gray.In this post you can known about how to make fake social media profile.This post related to Obama also.They give our opinion about fake social media.

46. Ten Reasons I Won't Use Social Media Sites :-

This post written by John Mariotti.The writter explain here,ten reasons why i won't use social media?This post related to markting and business.

47. 12 Tips On Creating Content For Social Media :-

This post written by MattMcGee.In this post they mainly explain how to devlop meaningful content for social media.They give 12 tips for creating content for social media.

48. 5 Things I Did to Cope-Up With The Bigg Digg :-

This post written by Manish Pandey.In this post they give the listing top 5 things that you ought to do, if you want to see any success with digg.These five things also useful for other social media ,not only to digg.

49. Ultimate Social Media Resources List :-

This post written by Jordan Kasteler.In this post writter give the list of social media which are very useful for us.It covers all the ultimate resources which importent to social media.

50. Tool For Engaging in Social Media :-

This post written by Brent Csutoras.In this post writter describe the tools which useful to social media(digg, reddit, stumbleupon, propeller) for knowning what going this time in particular social media like votes, comment, who do vote up and down?

Written By-Atul Kumar

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